KRG is excited to announce a great tool to help you know your home’s worth in today’s rapidly shifting market!
Today I’m thrilled to announce the Kritikos Real Estate Group Digital Home Equity Report delivered straight to your inbox each & every month should you wish to receive it!
I’m sure you all receive monthly statements pertaining to your investment portfolio, bank balances & credit card statements to show you where you stand financially, but isn’t it weird that we don’t receive an update pertaining to the biggest asset most of us own?
But not anymore, Kritikos Real Estate Group is so happy to announce that we have successfully launched KRG Digital Home Equity Reports
So how does it work & how does it benefit you?
Well, this awesome new report utilizes Housing Price Index along with some fancy algorithms to generate a ONE PAGE report not only your homes approximate total appreciation since purchase, but also it’s monthly performance - with some very basic information from you such as: type of home, purchase date & purchase price & any upgrades you’ve done, we can have this up and running in minutes
Let us know if you’re interested in receiving this helpful monthly report by visiting: www.InstantVancouverHomeEvaluation.com
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